Abijah Hollingsworth Skipper Family & House
Southeast corner of Laurel Street and Sixth Avenue, Conway, South Carolina

This is believed to be a photograph of the home of Abijah Hollingsworth Skipper and his wife Sarah C. Smith Skipper. It stood on the southeast corner of the intersection of Laurel Street and Sixth Avenue in Conway, South Carolina. A.H. Skipper was the sheriff of Horry County in the late 1860s and in the 1870s. His father was Joel B. Skipper, who served as state senator from Horry. Abijah was born near the Little Pee Dee River just downriver from Gallivant's Ferry in Horry District, SC. Sarah was from the Little River, SC area. Both are buried in the Conway First United Methodist Churchyard. Abijah and Sarah are sitting in front of the steps. I believe that pictured standing to the left of the steps is Henry Homer Burroughs, beside him standing on the porch is his wife, Isadora C. Skipper Burroughs, sitting in a chair on the porch is an unidentified man, standing on the porch to the right is Julia Skipper Causey and standing to the right of the steps and behind Sarah is Capt. Coleman S. Causey. An unidentified boy is standing in the yard to the right. Notice the "joggling board" on the front porch. The house was purchased by Dr. Henry L. Scarborough and around 1918 it was demolished to make way for the house that is currently (2006) located on the lot.

[Submitted by John Benjamin Burroughs]
Horry County Historical Society, 606 Main Street, Conway, SC 29526-4340.